Spam Flood - A Lesson in Preparedness
After being listed in Google search results, it took just two days for a massive spam attack to target our wiki. Thousands of fake users and random articles were created in a short time. Fortunately, the MediaWiki framework, which also powers the renowned [Wikipedia] , is well-equipped to handle such situations. Thanks to its robust tools and features, we were able to manage the issue efficiently. As a precautionary measure, account creation on is now restricted and carefully supervised by our editorial team. If you’d like to contribute to the wiki, simply send an email to
Trapping seminar at Attitudesports MMA
This year starts on a high note as we’ve been invited to deliver a kung fu trapping course at the 10th anniversary celebration of our trusted partner, Attitudesports Neubrandenburg. It’s an incredible honor to contribute to such a special event and celebrate their remarkable journey over the past decade. See here
New Article and Video about "Chi Sao" (sticky hands)
Check out the scholarship page for our newest article about the purpose and application of Chi Sao. Or just skip the reading and just watch our video about it:
24.12.24 Kungfu-Wiki is online!
After an intense two-week final sprint with the entire team, the Kungfu Wiki is finally online! Seeing our vision come to life after six years of hard work is truly rewarding. We deeply thank everyone who supported us along the way.
In the first week after going live, the wiki attracted around 300 visitors daily, and we’ve received plenty of valuable community feedback. We’re excited to accelerate and evolve further in 2025!
07.12.24 Youtube channel got HACKED!
After facing multiple instances of online hostility, the unthinkable has happened. The Key to Kung Fu YouTube channel has been hacked, and all videos have been deleted!
This incident has been a wake-up call, showing us how quickly the knowledge we’ve worked so hard to build can be lost. In response, we’ve made a pivotal decision: to publish all the results of our work and make them freely available to the world.
This will be our Christmas gift to everyone — sharing the wisdom we’ve gathered for the benefit of all.
Nov 2024: Seminar at ChinWoo Bernau
In a twenty hour seminar we showed participants the whole key to kungfu concept. How to read routines, how to fight with kungfu and added additional content like staff and sword fighting.
Allkampf Hamburg Cup
We participated in the Allkampf tournament (MMA-light) for pressure testing our concept. The organizers told us to be the first kungfu gym that participated in this challenging event in the 22 years the competition exists. Professional organization, experienced referees, and outstanding participants makes this event to a one of its kind. We are definitely planning to be part of it again next year.
Jul 2024: Seminar at Martial arts Wekend Neubrandenburg
We were more than happy to participate in this great event for the second time. We held 4 courses about chainwrestling and outdoor fighting. You should definitely participate too next year!
02_2024: New Key to Kungfu training group in Münster
Nov 2023: Key to Kungfu gathering at National warrior academy Bochum
Our yearly gathering took place in Bochum this year. After our booked location closed unexpectedly, we had no place to train so we gathered in the loading area of a local supermarket and trained on concrete at 2°C. Luckily for us, the owner of National Warriors Academy saw us in the cold and don't hesitated to invite us to his gym. A great gesture of sportsmanship. If you are in Bochum, check out the NWA, its a great place to train!
Jul 2023: Seminar at Martial arts Festival Neubrandenburg
We participated in the first Martial arts weekend at and held some courses about the basic principles of fighting with kungfu forms. We had a lot of cross style sparring experiences and relaxed at the outdoor pool afterwards. Thats how seminar weekend are done :)
Seminar for Judo club near Lüneburg
First official seminar near lüneburg for the members of a local judo club.
Key to KungFu founded
The martial arts training and research group Key to Kung Fu was founded when we came together on September 10, 2018, as a group of martial arts enthusiasts to exchange ideas about Chinese Kung Fu and other martial arts and combat sports, and to learn from each other.