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崩步 Beng Bu Quan(Bang Bo Kuen) - Avalanche/Crushing Step

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Posture 0 Road 1

Ready posture
11.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Standing straight, hands at hip level, storing power to begin. This is a traditional starting posture, we assume no intended application in a fighting situation.

Quan Pu
  • 01中平雙蓄勢, 01中平雙蓄勢 中平蓄勢觀動靜 子午認清操穩定 目看四面聽八方 苦功用來技術精

Posture 1 Road 1

Tri essence1.svg
Advance to opp. blind side while securing his front arm
141.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Step diagonally forward with your leading foot into a mirror distant position. Secure your opponents front arm by pressing it sidewards towards him with your front hand.

Quan Pu
  • 1,2左邁步右跟步海底出珠, 出左步海底取球

Posture 2 Road 1

Tri essence3.svg
Diagonally step-over, Lift leg and punch chest to throw
12.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Step diagonally over opponents front leg. Lift his leg with your leg and support his fall by simultaneously pushing him backwards with your strike. It is essential to break the opponents balance while doing the leg catch. Otherwise the opponent will be able to counter with the same technique. Use rear hand to secure his front arm. This technique can be applied also from inside binding.

Quan Pu
  • 1,2左邁步右跟步海底出珠, 出左步海底取球, 02跨虎斜補捶, 02跨虎斜補捶 斜步跨虎至堪誇 海底補捶任由他 長攻短守左輔右 虛實相衡方到家

Posture 3 Road 1

Tri essence3.svg
Diagonal overstep, armbar on rear arm to throw
13.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Step diagonally over the opponent's front leg. Pull his rear arm for him to fall over your front leg.

Quan Pu
  • 3右回步左跟步螳螂雙提刀, 回右步螳螂双提刀, 03虎跨捕蟬式, 03虎跨捕蟬式 螳螂捕蟬施威勇 十二法門任君用 閃賺騰挪開合閉 剛柔虛實守中庸

Posture 4 Road 1

Tri essence3.svg
Step behind front leg, seal front arm at hip. Throw by push over leg with your extended arm
14.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Step behind the opponent’s front leg and seal his front arm with your rear arm at your hip. Insert your front arm above the opponent’s front arm at chest level and use your front arm to push him over your leg. If the opponent blocks with his rear arm, you may use a circular movement to trap his rear arm away.

Quan Pu
  • 4佃步搽掌, 踮步插掌, 04登山左插掌, 04登山左插掌 登山插掌逞豪強 迎胸直貫法至良 偏身側馬連消打 穩紮穩打符理想

Posture 5 Road 1

Tri essence2.svg
Strike to the head to maintain initiative and rebuild contact
15.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

When the opponent steps back and you only got contact front to front, then follow up directly with a full step and a strike to the head with your leading arm. You may use a slightly circular movement instead of a straight 'corkscrew' punch. Thus, hitting with the meaty part of your fist (like a hammerfist) or forearm. This will make it easier to further seal the opponent when he blocks your strike.

Quan Pu
  • 5順步補捶, 顺步补捶, 05登山右補捶, 05登山右補捶 順步補捶連消打 左右相衡甚可嘉 中心平取無處躲 長短攻守至堪誇

Posture 6 Road 1

Tri essence3.svg
Destabilize knee, seal arms and push to the ground
16.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Use the golden rooster stance to destabilize the opponent's knee with your front foot. Seal and pull his rear arm backwards while punching or pushing to make him fall. If possible, seal both arms and cross them, to apply pressure on his rear shoulder.

Quan Pu
  • 6踅跳, 蹿跳叠肘, 06縱跳封統捶, 06縱跳封統捶 揉升進退疾且捷 縱步出身創基業 封手直統面門打 螳臂擋車壯且烈

Posture 7 Road 1

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Elbow strike from above
17.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

From a high stance, lower your body weight and apply an elbow strike from above. Target area may be the head, neck or elbow to apply an arm bar.

Quan Pu
  • 7疊肘, 蹿跳叠肘, 07入環右疊肘, 07入環右疊肘 跌勢疊肘破千斤 燕青當年占拏真 分毫不差靠入環 秘傳妙法炳乾坤

Posture 8 Road 1

Tri essence3.svg
Step behind leg and press with forearm to throw
18.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Throw the opponent over your leg by stepping behind him and by pushing his chest with your front forearm, lean into him to increase the power of the technique.

Quan Pu
  • 8崩捶, 崩捶, 08入環右崩捶, 08入環右崩捶 疊肘崩捶是相連 螳螂捕蟬勢莫延 摔捋分式短打妙 剛柔相濟可實現

Posture 9 Road 1

Tri essence2.svg
Pull opponent to hurl him around
103.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

If your opponent resists, pull his arms to hurl im around and break his structure. By using a stealing step you move your whole body to create enough momentum for the pull. Use the stealing step to move backwards in a 90degree angle from your opponent. This will pull him forward but avoids that he collides with you.

Quan Pu
  • 9背後出寶, 背后取宝, 09背踢雙撥掌, 09背踢雙撥掌 背後被襲勢難防 掌撥腿打不徬徨 瞻前顧後顯奇功 螳螂手法紹王朗

Posture 10 Road 2

Tri essence2.svg
Grab front arm and hardly pull to the ground while stepping back
20.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Pull hard on the opponent’s arm with both hands while stepping back, bring your own bodyweight into the pull to take your opponent out of balance.

Quan Pu
  • 10順手牽羊, 顺手牵羊, 10馬式雙封手, 10馬式雙封手 順手牽羊螳螂手 餓虎尋食把步走 雙封緊湊毋輕縱 覓得離群充我口

Posture 11 Road 2

Tri essence3.svg
Throw over front leg by pressing/striking down on rear arm/elbow
21.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Step behind the opponent's front leg. Seal the rear arm and strike downwards to push him over your leg. The throw may be applied with full force strikes (a comet is chasing the moon) or with controlled pressure on his elbow,head or neck (Press on top of mount tai).

Quan Pu
  • 11蓋頂力劈, 泰山压顶, 11登山刁劈捶, 11登山刁劈捶 刁劈勢不凡 登山往前扳 虛實分剛柔 衝破萬重關

Posture 12 Road 2

Tri essence2.svg
Grab, secure and pull on arm. Maybe strike afterwards
22.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Grab the front arm with your rear hand with a hooking action (gou). Secure the arm at the elbow with your other, front hand (lou). Then apply a hard pull combined with a twist of the wrist to control the joints (cai). You may follow with a straight strike.

Quan Pu
  • 勾漏采手, 12右抅摟採手, 12右抅摟採手 鉤摟採手有流源 嶗山一脈正統傳 不容妄改前人技 天下幾家世相聯

Posture 13 Road 2

Tri essence3.svg
Diagonal overstep, throw by apply elbow bar on rear arm
23.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Step diagonally behind the front leg of the opponent and apply an armbar going upwards and then downwards in a circular motion on his rear arm to throw him.

Quan Pu
  • 12吊進吊打, 13跨虎番車式, 13跨虎番車式 翻車螳螂兩相依 遠攻近打尤稱意 邁步跨虎勢奔騰 連消化打更可恃

Posture 14 Road 2

Tri essence3.svg
Step behind front leg, seal front arm at hip. Throw by push over leg with your extended arm
14.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Step behind the opponent’s front leg and seal his front arm with your rear arm at your hip. Insert your front arm above the opponent’s front arm at chest level and use your front arm to push him over your leg. If the opponent blocks with his rear arm, you may use a circular movement to trap his rear arm away.

Quan Pu
  • 14佃步搽掌, 踮步插掌, 14登山左插掌, 14登山左插掌 登山插掌再逞強 迎胸直貫法至良 偏身側馬連消打 故技重施符理想

Posture 15 Road 2

Tri essence2.svg
Strike to the head to maintain initiative and rebuild contact
15.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

When the opponent steps back and you only got contact front to front, then follow up directly with a full step and a strike to the head with your leading arm. You may use a slightly circular movement instead of a straight 'corkscrew' punch. Thus, hitting with the meaty part of your fist (like a hammerfist) or forearm. This will make it easier to further seal the opponent when he blocks your strike.

Quan Pu
  • 15順步補捶, 顺步补捶, 15登山右補捶, 15登山右補捶 二次補捶連消打 左右相衡甚可嘉 中心直取勢難防 展短攻守至堪誇

Posture 16 Road 2

Tri essence2.svg
Press on the elbow from above to subdue
9.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Grasp the enemy's rear hand with your front hand, your rear hand to pulls on the enemy's elbow. Pull him forward into a downwards elbow lock. Hold both hands downwards to press the opponent’s arm in order to subdue him.

Quan Pu
  • 16霸王請客, 霸王请客, 16馬式雙封手, 16馬式雙封手 霸王讌客將酒敬 順步牽纏不留停 陰陽雙靱難解脫 騎馬穩打步步營

Posture 17 Road 2

Tri essence3.svg
Pull rear arm push at waist, step-up throw over front foot
24.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Step behind the opponent's front leg. Pull his rear arm, then push or hit with the free hand to the lower rips or waist to make tge opponent stumble over your front leg.The opponent's hand may be sealed at the hip (feng) or pulled outwards to support the push (引針 lead the needle, YinZheng). Pulling the needle offers also the opportunity to seal the opponent with one hand. If you pull his rear arm, you may push the front arm with your rear arm ontop of the rear arm to the opponent’s body, thus sealing both arms with just your rear arm and having the front arm free to strike.

Quan Pu
  • 17佃步腰斬, 踮步腰斩, 17登山右腰斬, 17登山右腰斬 登山靠步右腰斬 抵禦乏術實羞慚 貼身扣打無處躲 金相遺法至堪參

Posture 18 Road 2

Tri essence3.svg
Pressing from above
25.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Step behind the front leg and lower your stance into a horse step to destabilize the knee. Control the front arm with your rear hand and enter your front arm above his shoulder from the front. Then apply pressing force from above with your elbow and forearm to his neck, shoulder or chest to make him fall backwards. If the opponent resist by pressing upwards, you may apply a foot sweep, using his force afterwards.

Quan Pu
  • 18立劈壹捶, 崩捶, 18馬式左崩捶, 18馬式左崩捶 馬式斜勢左崩捶 緩滯不前至堪摧 泰山劈頂勢如虹 矯捷如龍不可追

Posture 19 Road 2

Tri essence3.svg
Lift opponent's foot and press from above to throw
26.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Seal the opponent’s front arm at your hip, hook around his body with your front hook hand, lift and sweep the front leg.

Quan Pu
  • 19,20勾漏泥肘, 勾漏泥肘, 19提腳左刁手, 19提腳左刁手 連環踢腿須慎防 提步獨立毋著慌 刁手隨下危即解 太祖雲遊把賢訪

Posture 20 Road 2

Tri essence2.svg
Build up contact to rear arm
27.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Extend your arm to the side of the opponent’s head to build up contact to the opponent's rear arm. This may be used to regain, but also to hold an existing bind.

Quan Pu
  • 20提腿反提刁, 20提腿反提刁 前後呼應破連環 上下雙鉤並無難 鴛鴦腿法枉用功 毒著用來暴且殘

Posture 21 Road 2

Tri essence3.svg
Structure breaking strike, step behind leg and strike from above
28.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Push the front arm to the opponent, step behind the front leg with a horse step to destabilize the knee. Crushing hammer fist from above to hit the head, neck, shoulder or chest to make the opponent fall backwards.

Quan Pu
  • 21上步劈拃, 上步劈砸, 21馬式右劈軋, 21馬式右劈軋 進馬劈軋雄且勁 欲施破手亦難逞 卸馬穿橋大有為 千鈞壓勢至可驚

Posture 22 Road 2

Tri essence3.svg
Throw by turning. Lock opponent's leg and apply arm bar on rear arm
29.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Hook the opponent’s front leg with twist step, grab the rear arm and elbow lock it with your own elbow while turning to throw him.

Quan Pu
  • 22紐步田肘, 扭身献肘, 22扭步左黏肘, 22扭步左黏肘 坐盤變勢左黏肘 纏封緊湊密且週 長攻短打稱佳著 氣勢如虹猛虎吼

Posture 23 Road 2

Tri essence3.svg
Use your elbow to throw over your front leg
30.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Step behind opponent's front leg. Use your elbow and shoulder to push at his chest backwards to make him fall.

Quan Pu
  • 23上步拐肘, 上步提肘, 23登山左拐肘, 23登山左拐肘 登山拐肘用漏打 肩肘出擊勢力大 拚身入陣莫顧忌 衝鋒破敵可顯咱

Posture 24 Road 2

Tri essence2.svg
Hold contact and increase throw effect (transition)
31.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

After a throw attempt, when your opponent resists, push his arm to increase the throw effect. When the opponent goes forward, use your rear hand to push against his front arm to avoid getting hit by it and to lower his freedom of movement.

Quan Pu
  • 24右搽掌, 右插掌, 24登山右斜掌, 24登山右斜掌 變式斜勢右插掌 緊緊相隨任飛翔 彼轉我變不容緩 技登峰極世可昌

Posture 25 Road 3

Tri essence2.svg
Filling strike to maintain initiative while opponent goes forward
32.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Strike to the rips or liver to keep the initiative. Then prepare following technique like a dividing sweep for example.

Quan Pu
  • 25左補捶, 左补捶, 25馬式正補捶, 25馬式正補捶 正面直補毋使漏 勿謂無心斜插柳 爾虞我詐逞奇能 剛柔長短唯我有

Posture 26 Road 3

Tri essence3.svg
Throw by dividing. Hook above, sweep below
33.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

When you have front to back bind and the opponent makes a full step back, immediately follow with a seven star step to sweep his supporting leg below while hooking the neck above. When you have sealed the neck or the opponent blocks, turn your body further to increase the force. You may apply this technique several times if the opponent keeps stepping back.

Quan Pu
  • 26,27左右二焦, 右手封左足扫, 26雙刁左揪腿, 26雙刁左揪腿 擒拏揪腿法至良 金雞鎖喉如翼掠 分金定寸守中宮 毒手擅用人不諒

Posture 27 Road 3

Tri essence3.svg
Throw by dividing. Hook above, sweep below
33.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

When you have front to back bind and the opponent makes a full step back, immediately follow with a seven star step to sweep his supporting leg below while hooking the neck above. When you have sealed the neck or the opponent blocks, turn your body further to increase the force. You may apply this technique several times if the opponent keeps stepping back.

Quan Pu
  • 26,27左右二焦, 左手封右足扫, 27雙刁右揪腿, 27雙刁右揪腿 左右連環勢難禦 上下刁揪至不愚 螳螂獨步震山左 庸手劣技歎不如

Posture 28 Road 3

Tri essence3.svg
Diagonal overstep, twist the arms to throw
34.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Step diagonal over the front leg. Cross and twist the arms to the outside for a takedown.

Quan Pu
  • 28上步双棍, 上步双捆, 28跨虎雙捆手, 28跨虎雙捆手 跨虎捆打破千鈞 翻騰撲擊震乾坤 深研武功揚四海 駕越同儕志不群

Posture 29 Road 3

Tri essence3.svg
Palm strike to the face/eyes, push the forehead to lock the neck, kick supporting leg to throw
35.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Thrust the eyes or palm strike to the face. Then apply pressure to bend the neck backwards and downwards to force the opponent to the ground. Kick the front leg near the thigh or sweep the foot simultaneously to support the takedown by breaking the opponent's structure.

Quan Pu
  • 29指星換月, 摘星换月, 29踢腿刁取眼, 29踢腿刁取眼 抹眉啄眼更撩陰 手腳分途如分金 春雷乍響難掩耳 上下如同一線針

Posture 30 Road 3

Tri essence2.svg
Joint bar (Wrist lock)
36.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Trap the opponent's hand with your palms, (his palm facing towards you) bend his palm forward and downward to apply a wrist bar. You may increase the effect by also turning your body sidewards while applying the joint lock.

Quan Pu
  • 30,31折腕泥肘, 折腕泥肘, 30提腿雙擊掌, 30提腿雙擊掌 提腿擊掌分陰陽 拳腳相向定短長 知己知彼有玄妙 兵書熟讀作棟樑

Posture 31 Road 3

Tri essence3.svg
Strike the ribs
37.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

hold opponent's arm with your rear hand . insert your elbow below his front arm and punch his rib cage using your elbow or wrist joint. you may target the lower ribs, sternum or internal organs like liver

Quan Pu
  • 30,31折腕泥肘, 折腕泥肘, 31刁手反衝爪, 31刁手反衝爪 刁手反衝取肺腑 詭詐百出世不古 肋內經常露破綻 守禦得法吾陣固

Posture 32 Road 3

Tri essence3.svg
Destabilize knee, circle strike to the neck. Hook around and throw by pulling backwards
38.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Hook strike from outside to the head/neck. You may also grab around the neck with both arms (hug/neck choke). Use the golden rooster stance to destabilize the knee or kick under your opponents leg with your front leg and pull the neck outwards for a throw.

Quan Pu
  • 32漏圈, 上步漏圈捶, 32拼腿上圈捶, 32拼腿上圈捶 圈打太陽把足拼 左右相依得其平 掄拳出擊勢莫禦 塞外留名霍去病

Posture 33 Road 3

Tri essence3.svg
Throw outside by sealing a block
39.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

When the opponent blocks a Quan Chui to the outside, seal his block with a circular motion to his lower body, push his blocking arm to his body strongly and lift his front leg to sweep.

Quan Pu
  • 33提腿下截捶, 33提腿下截捶 提截劈殺勢莫當 千軍萬馬撗掃蕩 中途攔擊稱妙著 攘臂擋車一螳螂

Posture 34 Road 3

Tri essence2.svg
Build up contact to rear arm
40.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Keep contact back to front and bind opponent's rear arm by entering into the empty space above his front arm.

Quan Pu
  • 33,34白虎洗臉, 白虎洗面, 34提腿上挑捶, 34提腿上挑捶 上挑下劈兩相衡 四至八道意通亨 勿謂提步可衝擊 緊防穿撇無僥倖

Posture 35 Road 3

Tri essence3.svg
Throw by step behind front leg and press down the waist
41.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Seal the opponent's front arm, step behind his front leg and use your front hand to press his hip downwards to push him over your leg.

Quan Pu
  • 35栽掌, 挑手栽掌, 35登山封齊掌, 35登山封齊掌 封手齊掌登山步 荊棘滿途非坦路 妄動須防此殺手 一念之差百世奴

Posture 36 Road 3

Tri essence2.svg
Arm bar (Hyperextend elbow joint clockwise)
42.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Grab opponent's arm with both hands (at wrist and elbow). Twist his elbow inward and the wrist outward (clockwise if you stand with right foot front). You may change direction of the lever as a following technique.

Quan Pu
  • 36,37左右二撮捶, 左右二搓捶, 36反封左措捶, 36反封左措捶 一朝縱敵數世患 封手措捶解脫難 擒拏秘法傳上古 於今用之無處攔

Posture 37 Road 3

Tri essence2.svg
Arm bar (Hyperextend elbow joint anti-clockwise)
43.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Grab opponent's front arm at wrist and elbow. Twist it outside to force him down backwards. May be used as a following technique after an inward twist (fan feng cuo chui).

Quan Pu
  • 36,37左右二撮捶, 左右二搓捶, 37迎封右措捶, 37迎封右措捶 縱橫破敵任施為 尺寸之間定經緯 纏封偏遇擒拏打 天賦技能可發揮

Posture 38 Road 3

Tri essence3.svg
Step behind front leg, lift the guard and throw by pushing or striking upwards
44.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Block the opponent's arm(s) upwards to create space below. Stand behind his front leg and punch the belly (downwards) or chest (upwards) to push him over your leg

Quan Pu
  • 38上步鼎臍捶, 上步顶脐捶, 38掛手頂臍捶, 38掛手頂臍捶 掛手頂臍上下分 攻守之道要平均 變步換勢須敏捷 若有偏差倒乾坤

Posture 39 Road 3

Tri essence3.svg
Step deep behind opponent's stance, insert your arm from inside, throw over extended leg
45.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Seal the opponent's front arm, use the gulping step to hook deep behind his rear foot. Enter your front arm from inside with your palm and push him over your leg. You may enter your arm from above or below his front arm. If you apply below his front arm and he resists the throw or goes forward, you may apply an arm bar on his front arm, elbow by turning your body.

Quan Pu
  • 39,40,41右左三先風, 上步右扇风, 39吞塌右扇風, 39吞塌右扇風 八不打中有扇風 非輕容易逞偏鋒 吞塌伸前將步扣 螳螂技成賴王公

Posture 40 Road 4

Tri essence3.svg
Step deep behind opponent's stance, insert your arm from inside, throw over extended leg
45.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Seal the opponent's front arm, use the gulping step to hook deep behind his rear foot. Enter your front arm from inside with your palm and push him over your leg. You may enter your arm from above or below his front arm. If you apply below his front arm and he resists the throw or goes forward, you may apply an arm bar on his front arm, elbow by turning your body.

Quan Pu
  • 39,40,41右左三先風, 回身左扇风, 40吞塌左扇風, 40吞塌左扇風 扇風須有連環用 今人難得賁育勇 施展端賴心與意 橫衝硬擊是平庸

Posture 41 Road 4

Tri essence3.svg
Step deep behind opponent's stance, insert your arm from inside, throw over extended leg
45.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Seal the opponent's front arm, use the gulping step to hook deep behind his rear foot. Enter your front arm from inside with your palm and push him over your leg. You may enter your arm from above or below his front arm. If you apply below his front arm and he resists the throw or goes forward, you may apply an arm bar on his front arm, elbow by turning your body.

Quan Pu
  • 39,40,41右左三先風, 上步右扇风, 41吞塌右扇風, 41吞塌右扇風 返身扇風施故技 精妙絕倫至可紀 鐵掌羅漢同稱功 英雄自古有時機

Posture 42 Road 4

Tri essence3.svg
Pull rear arm push at waist, step-up throw over front foot
46.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Step behind the opponent's front leg and pull his rear arm. Push or hit with your free hand to his lower rips or waist to make him stumble over your front leg.

Quan Pu
  • 42上步引針腰斬, 上步引针腰斩, 42引針右腰斬, 42引針右腰斬 腰斬穿花先引針 螳螂技術證古今 十二柔中有八剛 運用全憑一點真

Posture 43 Road 4

Tri essence2.svg
Circle strike to the neck/temple/ear
47.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Seal opponent's front arm and hit him from behind in the neck or head with a hook strike of your front arm.

Quan Pu
  • 43,44左圈捶, 左圈捶, 43登山左圈捶, 43登山左圈捶 登山圈捶勢莫禦 太陽為首綽有餘 衝鋒陷陣用剛手 勇往直前勿猶疑

Posture 44 Road 4

Tri essence3.svg
Build up contact to rear arm, throw over front leg by pushing
48.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Stand behind the opponent's front leg, seal his front arm and use your front forearm to push him over your leg. The technique may also be used as a push to make the opponent lower his weight on his lead leg or/and as a hit to the face.

Quan Pu
  • 左崩捶, 44登山左崩捶, 44登山左崩捶 迎面崩捶登山步 前後兩式同一路 硬拱疊肘分先後 分毫不差須有度

Posture 45 Road 4

Tri essence3.svg
Throw by hook around foot and pull rear arm
49.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Hook the opponent's front leg from the outside and seal his front arm at your hip with your rear arm. When having contact with your front arm to his rear arm from above (or below), if the opponent pushes forward with his rear arm, use his force to pull his rear arm with your front hook hand to yourself and to the outside.

Quan Pu
  • 45七星左刁手, 45七星左刁手 七星刁手小擒拏 偏肩墜肘是精華 鉤纏虛式先試鋒 虛實分明乃到家

Posture 46 Road 4

Tri essence3.svg
Throw by hitting the belly region
106.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Hook around the opponent's foot, push his front arm with your rear hand against his body to seal him and strike his belly region to make him fall over your foot. Lean against his body to make the throw easier (Keyword: Kao).

Quan Pu
  • 45上步栽捶, 上步栽捶, 46七星右補捶, 46七星右補捶 七星補捶勢如虹 進步出手逞豪強 實捶虛步站得穩 休道吾拳疊疊重

Posture 47 Road 5

Tri essence3.svg
Diagonal overstep, armbar on rear arm to throw
13.gif The application video below shows the general application of the assigned technique. It might not show the exact application in the context of this routine (regarding situation from previous technique, opponent reaction etc). Watch the video at the top of the page to see how the technique is applied in this specific posture.

Step diagonally over the opponent's front leg. Pull his rear arm for him to fall over your front leg.

Quan Pu
  • 46回身螳螂雙提刀, 回身螳螂双提刀, 47跨虎捕蟬式, 47跨虎捕蟬式 返身捕蟬作收式 氣平心和勿休戚 精神氣力更未盡 留待有時喜添益


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