插锤 cha chui(chaap chui) -

Posture 1 Road 1
Ready posture

Standing straight, hands at hip level, storing power to begin. This is a traditional starting posture, we assume no intended application in a fighting situation.
- 背轉双蓄勢, 1背轉勢, 王雲生: 起勢叫手,, 一 中平雙蓄式

Posture 2 Road →
Build up contact, Bind front and rear arm simultaneously

If you have no binding at all and see the opportunity, rush forward with extended palms and connect with both hands to the opponent's guard (left to left and right to right). Then apply follow up techniques.
- 白鵞掠翅式, 2白鵝掠翅, 王雲生: 雙捋圈錘,, 二 刀環右反掌

Posture 3 Road 1
Step to inside and pull on front arm to throw over extended leg

When standing inside in a mirror stance situation, change your stance to a low dropping stance to apply a low dropping stance and apply a downwards elbow lock on the lead arm to make him fall over your extended leg.
- 双封手扑腿, 3餓虎撲食, 王雲生: 撲腿圈錘,, 三 雙對手仆腿

Posture 4 Road 1
Hit the face (filling punch)

Pull the opponent's arm and seal it, then strike to his face. Ideally you do it in a circular manner to get a diagonal outside contact if he blocks.
- 登山封統捶, 4起身統搥, 王雲生: 起身直捅。, 四 登山封直捶

Posture 5 Road 1
Throwing by dividing. Structure-breaking kick

Seal the opponent's rear arm at your hip with your front arm. Use your rear arm to push his rear shoulder inwards or, if possible, cross his arms and push the opponent's lead arm to his shoulder. Simultaneously kick his front leg near the thigh to break his structure and make him fall.
- 封手十字腿, 5封手十字腿, 李榮德: 出十字腿摟錘,, 五 對手十字腿

Posture 6 Road 1
Strike to the head to maintain initiative and rebuild contact

When the opponent steps back and you only got contact front to front, then follow up directly with a full step and a strike to the head with your leading arm. You may use a slightly circular movement instead of a straight 'corkscrew' punch. Thus, hitting with the meaty part of your fist (like a hammerfist) or forearm. This will make it easier to further seal the opponent when he blocks your strike.
- 撤歩右補捶, 6澈步補搥, 李榮德: 退三錘掌,, 六 撤步右補捶

Posture 7 Road 1
Push opponent with open palm over your leg

Seal opponent's rear arm (at your hip or just control it with your hand). Step behind his front leg and push with your other palm to his chest or shoulder to make him fall.
- 撤歩左屯掌, 7澈步屯掌, 李榮德: 退三錘掌,, 七 撤步左插掌

Posture 8 Road 1
Hit the face (filling punch)

Pull the opponent's arm and seal it, then strike to his face. Ideally you do it in a circular manner to get a diagonal outside contact if he blocks.
- 登山封統捶, 8封手統搥, 李榮德: 退三錘掌,, 八 登山封直捶

Posture 9 Road 1
Structure breaking strike, step behind leg and strike from above

Push the front arm to the opponent, step behind the front leg with a horse step to destabilize the knee. Crushing hammer fist from above to hit the head, neck, shoulder or chest to make the opponent fall backwards.
- 馬式挑劈軋, 9脫手馬勢劈軋, 李榮德: 叼手劈錘跺子。, 九 馬式挑劈軋

Posture 10 Road 1
Lift leg to inhibit opponent's step back and destabilize. Lift the guard and push to throw outside

When standing behind opponent's front leg and he tries to step back with his front leg, lift your front leg up to hook his foot from below, dont allowing him to make a step. Then lift his guard and push him to the outside to make him fall.
- 十字掛撑腿, 10,11起身跺落步劈軋, 姜化龍: 挑手挎籣,, 十 十字掛撐腿

Posture 11 Road 1
Structure breaking strike, step behind leg and strike from above

Push the front arm to the opponent, step behind the front leg with a horse step to destabilize the knee. Crushing hammer fist from above to hit the head, neck, shoulder or chest to make the opponent fall backwards.
- 馬式右劈軋, 10,11起身跺落步劈軋, 十一 馬式右劈軋

Posture 12 Road 1
Circular strike to the rips

Seal opponent's front arm and strike a circular upwards punch with your front arm to his rips
- 進式倒轆轤, 12進步轆轤, 十二 進式倒轆轤

Posture 13 Road 1
Step behind front leg, lift the guard and throw by pushing or striking upwards

Block the opponent's arm(s) upwards to create space below. Stand behind his front leg and punch the belly (downwards) or chest (upwards) to push him over your leg
- 登山封頂臍, 13起身頂臍搥, 姜化龍: 頂臍錘,, 十三 登山封頂濟

Posture 14 Road 1
Block leg and pull rear arm for step-up throw

Pull with both hands on rear arm (maybe also apply an elbow bar). Block front leg at knee height while pulling to make the opponent fall.
- 封手橫軋腿, 14封手揪腿, 十四 封手斧刃腳

Posture 15 Road 1
Heel sweep from inside, supported by elbow bar outside

Apply an elbow bar with your front elbow on the opponent's front arm from the outside while sweep his front leg with your front leg heel from the inside to force him to the ground.
- 蹬𨁏右叠肘, 15,16登撲叠肘, 姜化龍: 疊肘。, 十五 蹬仆右疊肘

Posture 16 Road 2
Build up contact to rear arm, throw over front leg by pushing

Stand behind the opponent's front leg, seal his front arm and use your front forearm to push him over your leg. The technique may also be used as a push to make the opponent lower his weight on his lead leg or/and as a hit to the face.
- 斜登山崩捶, 十六 斜登山崩捶

Posture 17 Road 2
Hold contact to both arms while stepping forward. Add following punch

When having contact to both hands and the opponent is stepping backward or forward, keep binding both arms, add a straight punch after standing stable again which may be used as a throw method if you managed to stand behind the front leg.
- 双封手統捶, 17,18封手殿步小番車, 十七 雙帶手直捶

Posture 18 Road 2
Use high armbar to throw to inside

Lift the opponent's front arm with both arms, then apply a sudden downwards elbow bar on his arm.
- 登山番車式, 17,18封手殿步小番車, 蘇明遠: 雙拽,, 十八 登山反番車

Posture 19 Road 2
Joint bar (Arm/shoulder lock)

Apply an elbow/shoulder bar on the opponent's front arm and turn your body whilst swinging your arms in the same direction with a downwards angle to swing the opponent to the other side to unbalance him.
- 圈手十字捶, 19,20,21回身蓋馬三搥, 蘇明遠: 雙撞山。, 十九 圈手十字捶

Posture 20 Road 2
Circle strike to the neck/temple/ear

Seal opponent's front arm and hit him from behind in the neck or head with a hook strike of your front arm.
- 登山右圈捶, 19,20,21回身蓋馬三搥, 王雲生: 圈錘。, 二十 對手右劈捶

Posture 21 Road 2
Downward striking, supress and seal

Seal the opponent's rear arm at your hip with your lead hand and strike downwards with your forearm at his neck/shoulder/face to make him fall over your leg.
- 封手左劈捶, 19,20,21回身蓋馬三搥, 李丹白: 走馬返車,, 二一 登山右圈捶

Posture 22 Road 2
Step behind front leg. Lift front arm, enter below. Throw to the outside

While stepping behind the front leg, lift the opponent's front arm with your rear arm and enter your front arm below. Then lower your stance to destabilize the knee and use your front arm to throw to the outside.
- 馬式偷心捶, 22馬勢偷心, 李丹白: 轆轤錘。, 二二 馬式偷心捶

Posture 23 Road 2
Push opponent with open palm over your leg

Seal opponent's rear arm (at your hip or just control it with your hand). Step behind his front leg and push with your other palm to his chest or shoulder to make him fall.
- 双封手插掌, 23封手殿步插掌, 姜化龍: 出踮步紉針。, 二三 雙封手插掌

Posture 24 Road 3
Throwing by dividing. Structure-breaking kick

Seal the opponent's rear arm at your hip with your front arm. Use your rear arm to push his rear shoulder inwards or, if possible, cross his arms and push the opponent's lead arm to his shoulder. Simultaneously kick his front leg near the thigh to break his structure and make him fall.
- 封手十字腿, 24封手十字腿, 李榮德: 出十字腿,, 二四 對手十字腿

Posture 25 Road 3
Step to inside and pull on front arm to throw over extended leg

When standing inside in a mirror stance situation, change your stance to a low dropping stance to apply a low dropping stance and apply a downwards elbow lock on the lead arm to make him fall over your extended leg.
- 双封手扑腿, 25落步單鋪腿, 李榮德: 竄出捕食。, 二五 雙封手仆腿

Posture 26 Road 3
Hit the face (filling punch)

Pull the opponent's arm and seal it, then strike to his face. Ideally you do it in a circular manner to get a diagonal outside contact if he blocks.
- 登山封統捶, 26,27回身封手左統搥, 二六 登山封直捶

Posture 27 Road 3
Hit the face (filling punch)

Pull the opponent's arm and seal it, then strike to his face. Ideally you do it in a circular manner to get a diagonal outside contact if he blocks.
- 26,27回身封手左統搥, 王雲生: 出回身直捅,, 二七 轉身封身捶

Posture 28 Road 3
Heel sweep from inside, supported by elbow bar outside

Apply an elbow bar with your front elbow on the opponent's front arm from the outside while sweep his front leg with your front leg heel from the inside to force him to the ground.
- 叠肘小蹬𨁏, 28登撲叠肘, 二八 刀環右疊肘

Posture 29 Road 3
Hook with foot and throw with a chopping strike

Hook the opponent's front foot with the seven star step, push his lead arm to him with your rear hand and hammer strike from above to his chest to throw him over your foot.
- 七星式低劈, 29崩捶, 二九 七星式崩捶

Posture 30 Road 3
Lift guard und strike below to the rips

Lift the opponent's guard, secure it above and apply following technique below. Use seven star step to hook araound his foot, not allowing him to retreat easily.
- 走歩髙挑手, 30,31挑手栽捶, 三十 走步高挑手

Posture 31 Road 3
Throw by hitting the belly region

Hook around the opponent's foot, push his front arm with your rear hand against his body to seal him and strike his belly region to make him fall over your foot. Lean against his body to make the throw easier (Keyword: Kao).
- 七星右補捶, 30,31挑手栽捶, 三一 七星右補捶

Posture 32 Road 3
Circle strike to the neck/temple/ear

Seal opponent's front arm and hit him from behind in the neck or head with a hook strike of your front arm.
- 封手右圈捶, 32殿步圈捶, 王雲生: 雙捋圈錘。, 三二 對手右圈捶

Posture 33 Road 3
Grab, secure and pull on arm. Maybe strike afterwards

Grab the front arm with your rear hand with a hooking action (gou). Secure the arm at the elbow with your other, front hand (lou). Then apply a hard pull combined with a twist of the wrist to control the joints (cai). You may follow with a straight strike.
- 右抅摟採手, 33勾摟採手, 姜化龍: 扭身仰幫。, 三三 右勾樓採手

Posture 34 Road 3
Whirl around and strike, creating power through the side change

Pull the opponent's lead arm with your rear hand and hook punch the opponent's neck in horse step. If the opponent blocks, pull the opponent's rear blocking arm to make him step forwards into another hooking punch of your other arm. You may jump whilst pulling to use your body weight for the pull.
- 馬式左攬捶, 34,35左右合攬捶, 王雲生: 旋風錘。, 三四 馬式右攔捶

Posture 35 Road 3
Whirl around and strike, creating power through the side change

Pull the opponent's lead arm with your rear hand and hook punch the opponent's neck in horse step. If the opponent blocks, pull the opponent's rear blocking arm to make him step forwards into another hooking punch of your other arm. You may jump whilst pulling to use your body weight for the pull.
- 翻勢右攬捶, 34,35左右合攬捶, 王雲生: 旋風錘。, 三五 翻式右攔捶

Posture 36 Road 3
Step to inside and pull on front arm to throw over extended leg

When standing inside in a mirror stance situation, change your stance to a low dropping stance to apply a low dropping stance and apply a downwards elbow lock on the lead arm to make him fall over your extended leg.
- 双封手扑腿, 36殿步單鋪腿, 李榮德: 出摟起跺子。, 三六 雙對手仆腿

Posture 37 Road 4
Hit the face (filling punch)

Pull the opponent's arm and seal it, then strike to his face. Ideally you do it in a circular manner to get a diagonal outside contact if he blocks.
- 登山封統捶, 37起身統捶, 三七 登山封直捶

Posture 38 Road 4
Throwing by dividing. Structure-breaking kick

Seal the opponent's rear arm at your hip with your front arm. Use your rear arm to push his rear shoulder inwards or, if possible, cross his arms and push the opponent's lead arm to his shoulder. Simultaneously kick his front leg near the thigh to break his structure and make him fall.
- 封手十字腿, 38封手十字腿, 三八 對手十字腿

Posture 39 Road 4
Structure breaking strike, step behind leg and strike from above

Push the front arm to the opponent, step behind the front leg with a horse step to destabilize the knee. Crushing hammer fist from above to hit the head, neck, shoulder or chest to make the opponent fall backwards.
- 馬式右劈軋, 39落步劈扎, 蘇明遠: 落步騎馬撐錘。, 三九 馬式右劈軋

Posture 40 Road 4
Pull opponent to hurl him around

If your opponent resists, pull his arms to hurl im around and break his structure. By using a stealing step you move your whole body to create enough momentum for the pull. Use the stealing step to move backwards in a 90degree angle from your opponent. This will pull him forward but avoids that he collides with you.
- 偷歩反封手, 40回身雙掌 封手摔捋兩分, 李榮德: 出跺子拉弓。, 四十 偷步反封手

Posture 41 Road 4
Seal both arms and kick the rips

When having contact to both arms, seal them together and kick to the rips
- 封手穿心腿, 41,42穿心腿, 蘇明遠: 出旋風腳,, 四一 封手穿心腿

Posture 42 Road 4
Throw over front leg by pressing/striking down on rear arm/elbow

Step behind the opponent's front leg. Seal the rear arm and strike downwards to push him over your leg. The throw may be applied with full force strikes (a comet is chasing the moon) or with controlled pressure on his elbow,head or neck (Press on top of mount tai).
- 封劈右崩捶, 蘇明遠: 捕食。, 四二 封劈右肘捶

Posture 43 Road 4
Throwing by dividing. Structure-breaking kick

Seal the opponent's rear arm at your hip with your front arm. Use your rear arm to push his rear shoulder inwards or, if possible, cross his arms and push the opponent's lead arm to his shoulder. Simultaneously kick his front leg near the thigh to break his structure and make him fall.
- 封手十字腿, 43封手十字腿, 李榮德: 出摟打十字腿,, 四三 封手十字腿

Posture 44 Road 4
Structure breaking strike, step behind leg and strike from above

Push the front arm to the opponent, step behind the front leg with a horse step to destabilize the knee. Crushing hammer fist from above to hit the head, neck, shoulder or chest to make the opponent fall backwards.
- 馬式右劈軋, 44落步劈扎, 李榮德: 二起穿錘,, 四四 馬式右劈軋

Posture 45 Road 4
Lift leg to inhibit opponent's step back and destabilize. Lift the guard and push to throw outside

When standing behind opponent's front leg and he tries to step back with his front leg, lift your front leg up to hook his foot from below, dont allowing him to make a step. Then lift his guard and push him to the outside to make him fall.
- 蹤跳掛撑腿, 45,46起身落步劈扎, 四五 縱跳掛撐腿

Posture 46 Road 4
Structure breaking strike, step behind leg and strike from above

Push the front arm to the opponent, step behind the front leg with a horse step to destabilize the knee. Crushing hammer fist from above to hit the head, neck, shoulder or chest to make the opponent fall backwards.
- 馬式右劈軋, 45,46起身落步劈扎, 李榮德: 二起穿錘,, 四六 馬式右劈捶

Posture 47 Road 5
Hit the face (filling punch)

Pull the opponent's arm and seal it, then strike to his face. Ideally you do it in a circular manner to get a diagonal outside contact if he blocks.
- 登山封統捶, 47回身右統搥, 四七 登山封直捶

Posture 48 Road 5
Step diagonal over front leg, lift rear arm and punch to throw

Step behind the opponent's front leg diagonally with your lead leg. Lift the opponent's rear arm with your rear hand and straight punch to his body to make him fall.
- 跨虎挑統捶, 48挑手左統搥 跨虎收勢, 李榮德: 二起收勢。, 四八 虛式挑直捶
The hammerfist punching is one of the basic punches of the Association, also known as Wu Lao Quan. The punching in the punching means to get together. This fist was co-created by Yantai Wulao The advantages can be described as the essence of the North. It has not only Qixing Mantis Boxing and Plum Flower Mantis Boxing, but also other boxing techniques such as long-legged boxing, Tantric Boxing and Luohan Boxing. The style of boxing is strong, strong, simple and unpretentious, with a clear rise and fall and a flexible body. The key practice moves are hand flapping legs, cross legs, hanging legs. It is hoped that learners will cherish this boxing, and will not bear the painstaking efforts of their predecessors. It is said that the routine is a new one.
------------- translation by edmund zou ------------
Cha Chui Origins Around the time of the end of Guang Xu’s reign in the Qing Dynasty a lot of people came to Yantai, became my brothers and shared a lot of informations with me: Jiang Hua Long from the Plum Blossom Praying Mantis Style (Mei Hua Tang Lang Quan), Li Rong De who was praciticing the Bombing Leg Long Fist (Dan Tui Chang Quan), Su Ming Yuan who was practicing the Lost Track Fist (Mi Zong Quan) and Li Dan Bo who was practicing the Arhat Fist (Luo Han Quan). We five discussed what we should leave for future generations and have decided on creating a form together with everybody adding some techniques from their own respected style. Therefore I have started by adding these techniques: standing up stance, calling hand; double brushing circular strike; collapsing leg, circular strike; straight penetration whilst standing up. Rong De added the cross kick, hugging strike; the three retreats, striking palm; tricky hand, splitting strike, stomping. Hua Long has chosen carrying the arm on the shoulder; the navel splitting strike; the folding elbow. Ming Yuan added the double drag and the double hits against the mountain. I have also added: using the cross to attack the duck; the circular strike. Dan Bo added the piercing strike; walking horse, upsetting car; the rolling over strike. Hua Long added the toe step, needle and string. Rong De added the cross kick, escaping and hunting for food. I have then added turning around, straight penetration; double brushing strike. Hua Long added turning the body, looking up and helping. I have added opening the windows to look at the moon; the tornado strike. Rong De added sweeping up, stomping. Ming Yuan added falling step, horse riding, supporting strike. Rong De added stomping and drawing the bow. Ming Yuan Chu added the tornado kick; hunting for food. Rong De added hugging attack, cross kick; the two rising piercing strikes; the two rising conclusions. Afterwards Master Zhang Wen Qing proposed the idea of adding new techniques, the original form was to be refered to as old piercing strike. Master Zhang took the piercing fist again to change it, however, the changes were minor and have been removed once again later. (written in the twentyfifth year of Guang Xu’s reign)