拦截 lan jie(laan jit) -

Posture 1 Road 1
Ready posture

Standing straight, hands at hip level, storing power to begin. This is a traditional starting posture, we assume no intended application in a fighting situation.
- 01 四平雙蓄待勢式, 01 四平雙蓄待勢式

Posture 2 Road 1
Contact building: Double trap

Initiate contact to the opponent's guard by pressin his front arm to the inside from the outside with your front hand and by inserting your rear hand on the inside of the opponent's rear arm.
- 02 騎馬式右穿挑掌, 02 騎馬式右穿挑掌

Posture 3 Road 1
Hit the side of the neck to throw

After having trapped the opponent's lead arm from the outside and the rear arm from the inside, step behind him with a seven star step and chop with your rear arm to his neck inwards to throw him over your foot.
- 03 左七星步右劈掌 (左穿右劈掌), 03 左七星步右劈掌 (左穿右劈掌)

Posture 4 Road 1
Rip the opponents guard open

Hook into the opponents guard from inside above and rip it open
- 04 左右雙分雙刁手 (左七星步式), 04 左右雙分雙刁手 (左七星步式)

Posture 5 Road 1
Seal the arms from inside and push downwards to throw

Control both the opponent's arms from the inside and push on them to make him fall over your leg.
- 05 左入環步雙屯掌, 05 左入環步雙屯掌

Posture 6 Road 1
Lock opponents rear arm into straight position, use it to throw him over your front leg

Step behind the opponent with a seven star step and control his rear arm with your rear hand at his wrist from the inside and an underhook at elbow level with your lead arm. Use this grip to apply an elbow lock in order to trip the opponent over your foot.
- 06 右肘底左看爪手 (左七星步式), 06 右肘底左看爪手 (左七星步式)

Posture 7 Road 1
Lock opponents rear arm into straight position, use it to throw him over your front leg

Step behind the opponent with a seven star step and control his rear arm with your rear hand at his wrist from the inside and an underhook at elbow level with your lead arm. Use this grip to apply an elbow lock in order to trip the opponent over your foot.
- 07 左肘底右看爪手 (右七星步式), 07 左肘底右看爪手 (右七星步式)

Posture 8 Road 1
Lift front arm, insert hand below to throw with seven star stance

When you have contact to your opponent's rear arm and he steps back, step behind him, lift that exact arm (now front arm) with your rear hand and use your lead arm to push his chest to make him fall over your seven star step.
- 08 左七星步前後掌 (左前右後掌), 08 左七星步前後掌 (左前右後掌)

Posture 9 Road 1
Lock opponents rear arm into straight position, use it to throw him over your front leg

Step behind the opponent with a seven star step and control his rear arm with your rear hand at his wrist from the inside and an underhook at elbow level with your lead arm. Use this grip to apply an elbow lock in order to trip the opponent over your foot.
- 09 右肘底左看爪手 (左七星步式), 09 右肘底左看爪手 (左七星步式)

Posture 10 Road 1
Lock opponents rear arm into straight position, use it to throw him over your front leg

Step behind the opponent with a seven star step and control his rear arm with your rear hand at his wrist from the inside and an underhook at elbow level with your lead arm. Use this grip to apply an elbow lock in order to trip the opponent over your foot.
- 10 左肘底右看爪手 (右七星步式), 10 左肘底右看爪手 (右七星步式)

Posture 11 Road 2
Arm bar to force the opponent around, block his knee to make him fall

Grab your opponent's front arm with your rear hand and apply pressure on his elbow joint with your front lower arm. Turn your body around to increase the pressure and to force him around. When he steps forward with his rear leg, block it with your front hook hand to make him fall.
- 11 左入環右直撞爪 (回身左入環), 11 左入環右直撞爪 (回身左入環)

Posture 12 Road 2
Lift the opponents rear arm, force him to straighten it and use it to push him over your front leg

Step behind the opponent with a seven star step. Raise his rear arm with your rear hand from the inside and underhook that same arm with your lead arm at elbow level. Elbow lock the arm and pull outwards to make the opponent fall over your foot.
- 12 左七星步前後爪 (左前右後爪), 12 左七星步前後爪 (左前右後爪)

Posture 13 Road 2
Seal the arms from inside and push downwards to throw

Control both the opponent's arms from the inside and push on them to make him fall over your leg.
- 13 左入環步雙屯掌, 13 左入環步雙屯掌

Posture 14 Road 2
Step behind front leg, seal front arm at hip. Throw by push over leg with your extended arm

Step behind the opponent’s front leg and seal his front arm with your rear arm at your hip. Insert your front arm above the opponent’s front arm at chest level and use your front arm to push him over your leg. If the opponent blocks with his rear arm, you may use a circular movement to trap his rear arm away.
- 14 左登山步左插掌, 14 左登山步左插掌

Posture 15 Road 2
Strike to the head to maintain initiative and rebuild contact

When the opponent steps back and you only got contact front to front, then follow up directly with a full step and a strike to the head with your leading arm. You may use a slightly circular movement instead of a straight 'corkscrew' punch. Thus, hitting with the meaty part of your fist (like a hammerfist) or forearm. This will make it easier to further seal the opponent when he blocks your strike.
- 15 上右登山右補捶, 15 上右登山右補捶

Posture 16 Road 2
Destabilize knee, seal arms and push to the ground

Use the golden rooster stance to destabilize the opponent's knee with your front foot. Seal and pull his rear arm backwards while punching or pushing to make him fall. If possible, seal both arms and cross them, to apply pressure on his rear shoulder.
- 16 左出羣捶右蹬腿, 16 左出羣捶右蹬腿

Posture 17 Road 2
Heel sweep from inside, supported by elbow bar outside

Apply an elbow bar with your front elbow on the opponent's front arm from the outside while sweep his front leg with your front leg heel from the inside to force him to the ground.
- 17 斜步跌勢右叠肘 (後彈右蹬撲), 17 斜步跌勢右叠肘 (後彈右蹬撲)

Posture 18 Road 2
Joint bar (Wrist lock)

Trap the opponent's hand with your palms, (his palm facing towards you) bend his palm forward and downward to apply a wrist bar. You may increase the effect by also turning your body sidewards while applying the joint lock.
- 18 右七星步雙擊掌, 18 右七星步雙擊掌

Posture 19 Road 2
Strike the ribs

hold opponent's arm with your rear hand . insert your elbow below his front arm and punch his rib cage using your elbow or wrist joint. you may target the lower ribs, sternum or internal organs like liver
- 19 右進式反橫衝爪, 19 右進式反橫衝爪

Posture 20 Road 3
Lock opponents rear arm into straight position, use it to throw him over your front leg

Step behind the opponent with a seven star step and control his rear arm with your rear hand at his wrist from the inside and an underhook at elbow level with your lead arm. Use this grip to apply an elbow lock in order to trip the opponent over your foot.
- 20 右肘底左看爪手 (回身左七星), 20 右肘底左看爪手 (回身左七星)

Posture 21 Road 3
Lock opponents rear arm into straight position, use it to throw him over your front leg

Step behind the opponent with a seven star step and control his rear arm with your rear hand at his wrist from the inside and an underhook at elbow level with your lead arm. Use this grip to apply an elbow lock in order to trip the opponent over your foot.
- 21 左肘底右看爪手 (右七星步式), 20 右肘底左看爪手 (回身左七星)

Posture 22 Road 3
Arm bar (Hyperextend elbow joint clockwise)

Grab opponent's arm with both hands (at wrist and elbow). Twist his elbow inward and the wrist outward (clockwise if you stand with right foot front). You may change direction of the lever as a following technique.
- 22 右七星步左措捶, 22 右七星步左措捶

Posture 23 Road 3
Arm bar (Hyperextend elbow joint anti-clockwise)

Grab opponent's front arm at wrist and elbow. Twist it outside to force him down backwards. May be used as a following technique after an inward twist (fan feng cuo chui).
- 23 七星走步右措捶 (右七星步式), 23 七星走步右措捶 (右七星步式)

Posture 24 Road 4
Hook around body to throw

Hook around the opponent's body or hop while standing behind his lead leg with a close horse step. You can lever his body over your own hip to throw him easily.
- 24 騎馬式反低捕蟬 (回身騎馬步), 24 騎馬式反低捕蟬 (回身騎馬步)

Posture 25 Road 4
Destabilize knee, circle strike to the neck. Hook around and throw by pulling backwards

Hook strike from outside to the head/neck. You may also grab around the neck with both arms (hug/neck choke). Use the golden rooster stance to destabilize the knee or kick under your opponents leg with your front leg and pull the neck outwards for a throw.
- 25 左上圏捶左蹬腿, 25 左上圏捶左蹬腿

Posture 26 Road 4
Build up contact to rear arm, throw over front leg by pushing

Stand behind the opponent's front leg, seal his front arm and use your front forearm to push him over your leg. The technique may also be used as a push to make the opponent lower his weight on his lead leg or/and as a hit to the face.
- 26 左登山步左崩捶, 26 左登山步左崩捶

Posture 27 Road 4
Throw by hook around foot and pull rear arm

Hook the opponent's front leg from the outside and seal his front arm at your hip with your rear arm. When having contact with your front arm to his rear arm from above (or below), if the opponent pushes forward with his rear arm, use his force to pull his rear arm with your front hook hand to yourself and to the outside.
- 27 左七星步左刁手, 27 左七星步左刁手

Posture 28 Road 4
Throw by hitting the belly region

Hook around the opponent's foot, push his front arm with your rear hand against his body to seal him and strike his belly region to make him fall over your foot. Lean against his body to make the throw easier (Keyword: Kao).
- 28 右七星步右補捶, 28 右七星步右補捶

Posture 29 Road 4
Step diagonally, apply armbar and hook leg to throw

Pull the opponent's rear arm diagonally across his body with your lead hand, lean in closely to lock that arm's elbow across your upper arm and block the opponent's lead knee's backside with your rear hook hand. Step very closely to the opponent in a diagonal manner to his outside to make him fall.
- 29 雙腿蹲步右低牽 (蹲步曲膝式), 29 雙腿蹲步右低牽 (蹲步曲膝式)

Posture 30 Road 4
Jump up and Strike with force

Push the opponent's lead arm diagonally to his body to seal it. Jump up and strike from above to bring your full bodyweight into the strike.
- 30 縱跳步右劈軋捶 (縱跳併步式), 30 縱跳步右劈軋捶 (縱跳併步式)

Posture 31 Road 4
Pull rear arm while blocking the outer leg to throw

Destabilize the opponent's knee with your front foot and pull on his rear arm with both hands to make him fall to his back.
- 31 縱跳提腿雙封手 (縱跳右提腿), 31 縱跳提腿雙封手 (縱跳右提腿)

Posture 32 Road 4
Elbow strike from above

From a high stance, lower your body weight and apply an elbow strike from above. Target area may be the head, neck or elbow to apply an arm bar.
- 32 右獨立右叠肘法 (左封右叠肘), 32 右獨立右叠肘法 (左封右叠肘)

Posture 33 Road 4
Handmethod to prepare armlock

After your opponent blocked your elbow, use coiling hand to bring your front hand up while securing the opponents arm from below with your rear hand
- 33 獨立繞掌右滾膀 (繞掌獻桃手), 33 獨立繞掌右滾膀 (繞掌獻桃手)

Posture 34 Road 4
Throw by applying armbar

Hold opponent's front wrist with your rear hand and twist his arm. Step behind opponent's leg and apply pressure on his elbow with the forearm of your front arm to push him over your leg.
- 33 獨立繞掌右滾膀 (繞掌獻桃手), 33 獨立繞掌右滾膀 (繞掌獻桃手)

Posture 35 Road 5
Throw by applying armbar

Hold opponent's front wrist with your rear hand and twist his arm. Step behind opponent's leg and apply pressure on his elbow with the forearm of your front arm to push him over your leg.
- 34 左入環步左滾膀 (回身左入環), 34 左入環步左滾膀 (回身左入環)

Posture 36 Road 5
Throw by applying armbar

Hold opponent's front wrist with your rear hand and twist his arm. Step behind opponent's leg and apply pressure on his elbow with the forearm of your front arm to push him over your leg.
- 35 右入環步右滾膀, 35 右入環步右滾膀

Posture 37 Road 5
Contact building: Double trap

Initiate contact to the opponent's guard by pressin his front arm to the inside from the outside with your front hand and by inserting your rear hand on the inside of the opponent's rear arm.
- 36 騎馬式右穿挑掌, 36 騎馬式右穿挑掌

Posture 38 Road 5
Ready posture

Standing straight, hands at hip level, storing power to begin. This is a traditional starting posture, we assume no intended application in a fighting situation.
- 37 併步四平式覆掌 (陳浩華編寫)