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= Kung Fu Handform - Interpretationssystematik von Edmund Zou =
== 1) What is a hand form? ==
Various Asian martial arts (Kung Fu, Karate, Silat, Muay Thai Boran, etc.) involve forms. These can be described as a choreography of movements that is composed of various fighting techniques. The martial artist can train this form alone, without a partner, and thus practice fighting techniques and fighting technique combinations.

== 1) Was ist eine Handform? ==
There are both unarmed forms and forms with various weapons. In the following, however, only the general interpretative system of the unarmed forms (hand forms) of Chinese martial arts will be examined in more detail.
In verschiedenen asiatischen Kampfkünsten (Kung Fu, Karate, Silat, Muay Thai Boran, …) existieren Formen. Diese können als eine Bewegungschoreographie beschrieben werden, welche aus verschiedenen Kampftechniken zusammengesetzt wird. Der Kampfkünstler kann diese Form alleine, ohne Partner, trainieren und so Kampftechniken und Kampftechnikkombinationen üben.

Es existieren sowohl unbewaffnete Formen als auch solche mit verschiedenen Waffen. Im Folgenden wird jedoch nur die allgemeine Interpretationssystematik der unbewaffneten Formen (Handformen) der chinesischen Kampfkünste genauer untersucht.
== 2) The division of forms ==
Hand forms can often be divided into two main parts: '''chain wrestling''' and '''bridge hand techniques'''. Southern styles often focus more on bridge hand techniques, while northern styles tend to focus more on chain wrestling. Of course there are exceptions to this:

# '''Bridge hand parts''' often appear at the beginning of the forms. The remaining part then consists of chain wrestling (e.g. Hung Gar).
# Some forms consist almost exclusively of chain wrestling (e.g. Tang Lang) or bridge hand techniques (e.g. Wing Chun).
# In other styles (e.g. Chow Gar, Bak Mei, Wu Zu, Wu Mei, ...), bridge hand techniques are more strongly combined with footwork and chain wrestling. Here it is difficult to clearly distinguish between the two parts, which is why a combination of the systematics is necessary for interpretation.

== 2) Die Formaufteilung ==
== 3) The bridge hand part ==
Handformen können oft in zwei Hauptteile unterteilt werden: '''Chain Wrestling''' und '''Brückenhandtechniken'''. Häufig setzen sich südliche Stile mehr mit Brückenhandtechniken auseinander, während nördliche Stile eher auf Chain Wrestling fokussieren. Natürlich gibt es hierfür auch Ausnahmen:

# '''Brückenhandteile''' erscheinen oft am Anfang der Formen. Der restliche Teil besteht dann aus Chain Wrestling (z.B.: Hung Gar).
=== 3.1) Structure ===
# Manche Formen bestehen fast ausschließlich aus Chain Wrestling (z.B.: Bei Tang Lang) oder Brückenhandtechniken (z.B.: Wing Chun).
Bridge hand parts are characterized by passive positions (e.g. Ma Bu, Bing Bu, Yee Jee Kim Yeung Ma of Wing Chun), with the feet firmly anchored to the ground. The focus is on hand technique combinations. Footwork is rare and striking techniques are usually shown as a follow-up to a bridge hand technique.
# In anderen Stilen (z.B.: Chow Gar, Bak Mei, Wu Zu, Wu Mei, …) werden Brückenhandtechniken stärker mit Schrittarbeit und Chain Wrestling kombiniert. Hier ist es schwierig, klar zwischen den beiden Teilen zu unterscheiden, weshalb bei der Interpretation eine Kombination der Systematiken notwendig ist.

=== 3.2) Construction of the combinations ===
The purpose of bridging hand techniques is to

== 3) Der Brückenhandteil ==
* establish contact between the opponent's arms and one's own.
* To change one's hand position while maintaining contact in order to maintain a dominant position.

=== 3.1) Aufbau ===
A dominant arm position means
Brückenhandteile sind geprägt durch passive Stellungen (z.B.: Ma Bu, Bing Bu, Yee Jee Kim Yeung Ma des Wing Chun), wobei die Füße fest im Boden verankert sind. Der Fokus liegt auf Handtechnikkombinationen. Schrittarbeit ist selten und Schlagtechniken werden meist als Anschluss an eine Brückenhandtechnik gezeigt.

=== 3.2) Konstruktion der Kombinationen ===
* good control over the opponent's arms.
Brückenhandtechniken dienen dazu:
* Possibility to effectively execute punches, levers or throws.
* Kontakt zwischen den Armen des Gegners und den eigenen herzustellen.
* Die eigene Handposition bei bestehendem Kontakt zu verändern, um die dominante Position zu behalten.

Eine dominante Armposition bedeutet:
The combinations are designed to target the opponent's reactions:
* Gute Kontrolle über die gegnerischen Arme.
* Möglichkeit, Schläge, Hebel oder Würfe effektiv auszuführen.

Die Kombinationen sind so konstruiert, dass sie auf gegnerische Reaktionen abzielen:
* The opponent resists one technique and opens up for the next.
* Gegner widersteht einer Technik und öffnet sich für die nächste.
* The practitioner uses the opponent's strength for follow-up techniques instead of working directly against them.
* Anwender nutzt die Kraft des Gegners für Folgetechniken, anstatt direkt gegen sie zu arbeiten.

=== 3.3) Interpretationssystematik ===
=== 3.3) Interpretation system ===

# '''Was ist der Armkontakt am Anfang?'''
# '''What is the arm contact at the beginning?'''
  * Meistens werden beide Arme des Gegners kontrolliert (z.B. beide Arme von innen gegriffen).

# '''Wie resistiert der Gegner?'''
  Most of the time, both arms of the opponent are controlled (e.g. both arms are gripped from the inside).
## Grundsätzliche Reaktionsmöglichkeiten:
* Wird ein Arm gezogen, zieht der Gegner in die entgegengesetzte Richtung zurück.
* Wird ein Arm gedrückt, drückt der Gegner in die entgegengesetzte Richtung zurück.
* Gegner attackiert den Kopf des Anwenders (seltener).
* Gegner blockt Schlagtechniken schnell und einfach.

## Grundsätzliche Methoden, um die gegnerische Reaktion auszunutzen:
# '''How does the opponent resist?'''
* Kontaktseite wechseln (z.B. von innen nach außen), um Druck zu entgehen.
## Basic reaction options:
* Druck des Gegners umlenken, um seine Verteidigung zu öffnen.
* Armbewegung des Gegners verfolgen, um Druck zu erzeugen.

# '''Zusätzliche Punkte für die Interpretation'''
* If one arm is pulled, the opponent pulls back in the opposite direction.
* Passt die Interpretation zum Techniknamen aus der Quan Pu?
* If one arm is pushed, the opponent pushes back in the opposite direction.
* Beachten von Handsymboliken (z.B. Phönixfaust, Kiu Sao im Hung Gar).
* The opponent attacks the user's head (less common).
* Verbindungen zu anderen Teilen der Form (z.B. Chain Wrestling).
* The opponent blocks punching techniques quickly and easily.

# Basic methods for exploiting the opponent's reaction:

== 4) Der Chain Wrestling Teil ==
* Change the contact side (e.g. from inside to outside) to escape pressure.
* Deflect the opponent's pressure to open his defense.
* Follow the opponent's arm movement to create pressure.

=== 4.1) Aufbau ===
# '''Additional points for interpretation'''
Chain Wrestling zeichnet sich durch komplexe Schrittarbeit aus. Verschiedene Beinpositionen werden genutzt, um den Stand des Gegners zu blockieren oder Würfe auszuführen. Im Vergleich zu Brückenhandteilen sind Techniken mit Kontaktwechseln oder Druckumleitung hier seltener.

=== 4.2) Konstruktion der Kombinationen ===
* Does the interpretation fit the technique name from the Quan Pu?
Auch im Chain Wrestling werden Techniken so kombiniert, dass gegnerische Reaktionen genutzt werden:
* Note the symbolism of the hands (e.g. Phoenix fist, Kiu Sao in Hung Gar).
* Gegner öffnet sich durch seine Reaktion für die nächste Technik.
* Links to other parts of the form (e.g. chain wrestling).
* Anwender nutzt weiterhin die Kraft des Gegners anstatt gegen sie zu arbeiten.

=== 4.3) Interpretationssystematik ===
== 4) The Chain Wrestling Part ==

# '''Was ist die Ausgangssituation?'''
=== 4.1) Structure ===
* Geht der Teil direkt aus einem Brückenhandteil hervor?
Chain wrestling is characterized by complex footwork. Various leg positions are used to block the opponent's stance or to execute throws. Compared to bridge hand parts, techniques with contact changes or pressure redirection are less common here.
* Wird der Kontakt durch die erste Technik hergestellt oder beginnt die Form inmitten einer Chain Wrestling-Situation?

# '''Interpretation einzelner Techniken'''
=== 4.2) Construction of the combinations ===
## Analyse der Beinstellung:
In chain wrestling, too, techniques are combined in such a way that the opponent's reactions are used:
* '''Ma Bu''': Gegnerischen Stand einnehmen.
* '''Ru Huan Bu''': Druck auf die vordere gegnerische Kniekehle ausüben.
* '''Qi Xing Bu''': Beinfeger nach vorne ausführen.

## Analyse der Handtechniken:
* The opponent's reaction opens him up to the next technique.
* Was ist der Handkontakt? (z.B. l. auf l., r. auf r.).
* The user continues to use the opponent's strength instead of working against it.
* Welche Handsymbolik wird verwendet?

=== 4.3) Systematic interpretation ===

== 5) Abschließende Fragestellungen für die Interpretation ==
# '''What is the starting situation?'''
* Wann und warum wurde die Form entworfen?
* Welche Änderungen gab es an der Form? Waren diese Verbesserungen?
* Does the part derive directly from a bridge hand part?
* Was möchte die Form insgesamt ausdrücken?
* Is contact established by the first technique or does the form begin in the middle of a chain wrestling situation?
** Fokussiert sie sich auf ein bestimmtes Prinzip oder Taktik?
** Hat der Name der Form eine bestimmte Bedeutung?
# '''Interpretation of individual techniques'''
## Analysis of the leg position:
* '''Ma Bu''': Adopt the opponent's stance.
* '''Ru Huan Bu''': Apply pressure to the front of the opponent's knee.
* '''Qi Xing Bu''': Sweep the leg forward.
# Analysis of the hand techniques:
* What is the hand contact? (e.g. left to left, right to right).
* Which hand symbols are used?
== 5) Final questions for the interpretation ==
* When and why was the form designed?
* What changes have been made to the form? Were these improvements?
* What does the form want to express overall?
** Does it focus on a specific principle or tactic?
** Does the name of the form have a specific meaning?


Latest revision as of 16:54, 28 December 2024

1) What is a hand form?

Various Asian martial arts (Kung Fu, Karate, Silat, Muay Thai Boran, etc.) involve forms. These can be described as a choreography of movements that is composed of various fighting techniques. The martial artist can train this form alone, without a partner, and thus practice fighting techniques and fighting technique combinations.

There are both unarmed forms and forms with various weapons. In the following, however, only the general interpretative system of the unarmed forms (hand forms) of Chinese martial arts will be examined in more detail.

2) The division of forms

Hand forms can often be divided into two main parts: chain wrestling and bridge hand techniques. Southern styles often focus more on bridge hand techniques, while northern styles tend to focus more on chain wrestling. Of course there are exceptions to this:

  1. Bridge hand parts often appear at the beginning of the forms. The remaining part then consists of chain wrestling (e.g. Hung Gar).
  2. Some forms consist almost exclusively of chain wrestling (e.g. Tang Lang) or bridge hand techniques (e.g. Wing Chun).
  3. In other styles (e.g. Chow Gar, Bak Mei, Wu Zu, Wu Mei, ...), bridge hand techniques are more strongly combined with footwork and chain wrestling. Here it is difficult to clearly distinguish between the two parts, which is why a combination of the systematics is necessary for interpretation.

3) The bridge hand part

3.1) Structure

Bridge hand parts are characterized by passive positions (e.g. Ma Bu, Bing Bu, Yee Jee Kim Yeung Ma of Wing Chun), with the feet firmly anchored to the ground. The focus is on hand technique combinations. Footwork is rare and striking techniques are usually shown as a follow-up to a bridge hand technique.

3.2) Construction of the combinations

The purpose of bridging hand techniques is to

  • establish contact between the opponent's arms and one's own.
  • To change one's hand position while maintaining contact in order to maintain a dominant position.

A dominant arm position means

  • good control over the opponent's arms.
  • Possibility to effectively execute punches, levers or throws.

The combinations are designed to target the opponent's reactions:

  • The opponent resists one technique and opens up for the next.
  • The practitioner uses the opponent's strength for follow-up techniques instead of working directly against them.

3.3) Interpretation system

  1. What is the arm contact at the beginning?
  Most of the time, both arms of the opponent are controlled (e.g. both arms are gripped from the inside).
  1. How does the opponent resist?
    1. Basic reaction options:
  • If one arm is pulled, the opponent pulls back in the opposite direction.
  • If one arm is pushed, the opponent pushes back in the opposite direction.
  • The opponent attacks the user's head (less common).
  • The opponent blocks punching techniques quickly and easily.
  1. Basic methods for exploiting the opponent's reaction:
  • Change the contact side (e.g. from inside to outside) to escape pressure.
  • Deflect the opponent's pressure to open his defense.
  • Follow the opponent's arm movement to create pressure.
  1. Additional points for interpretation
  • Does the interpretation fit the technique name from the Quan Pu?
  • Note the symbolism of the hands (e.g. Phoenix fist, Kiu Sao in Hung Gar).
  • Links to other parts of the form (e.g. chain wrestling).

4) The Chain Wrestling Part

4.1) Structure

Chain wrestling is characterized by complex footwork. Various leg positions are used to block the opponent's stance or to execute throws. Compared to bridge hand parts, techniques with contact changes or pressure redirection are less common here.

4.2) Construction of the combinations

In chain wrestling, too, techniques are combined in such a way that the opponent's reactions are used:

  • The opponent's reaction opens him up to the next technique.
  • The user continues to use the opponent's strength instead of working against it.

4.3) Systematic interpretation

  1. What is the starting situation?
  • Does the part derive directly from a bridge hand part?
  • Is contact established by the first technique or does the form begin in the middle of a chain wrestling situation?
  1. Interpretation of individual techniques
    1. Analysis of the leg position:
  • Ma Bu: Adopt the opponent's stance.
  • Ru Huan Bu: Apply pressure to the front of the opponent's knee.
  • Qi Xing Bu: Sweep the leg forward.
  1. Analysis of the hand techniques:
  • What is the hand contact? (e.g. left to left, right to right).
  • Which hand symbols are used?

5) Final questions for the interpretation

  • When and why was the form designed?
  • What changes have been made to the form? Were these improvements?
  • What does the form want to express overall?
    • Does it focus on a specific principle or tactic?
    • Does the name of the form have a specific meaning?