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'''Aus Wong Honfans Geheimnisse der Mantis-Boxkunst 螳螂拳術闡秘, geschrieben 1946:'''
'''From Wong Honfan's Secrets of the Mantis Box Art 螳螂拳術闡秘, written in 1946:'''

Eight Legal Targets


Every part is a vital part, though not fatal, is bound to be seriously injured, if you meet a strong opponent, these targets are not enough to win, but you must not use them lightly, so as not to violate the principle of “goodwill”, only our practice.

Dies sind alles sekundäre Ziele. Sie sind zwar nicht lebensbedrohlich, können aber durchaus Verletzungen verursachen. Wenn Sie auf einen Angreifer treffen, der sehr geschickt ist, reichen sie aus, um ihn zu besiegen. Aber Sie dürfen sie nicht unüberlegt einsetzen, sonst verletzen Sie Ihre eigene lebenserhaltende Tugend. Ich hoffe, dass meine Mitstreiter achtsam sein werden.
These are all secondary targets. Although they are not life-threatening, they can still cause injury. If you encounter an attacker who is very skilled, they are enough to defeat him. But you must not use them recklessly, or you will hurt your own life-sustaining virtue. I hope that my fellow practitioners will be mindful.

1. the space between the eyebrows and the eyes themselves

1. der Raum zwischen den Augenbrauen sowie die Augen selbst
(二打) Lippen auf Zung muscle

2. the acupuncture point Ren Zhong above the upper lip

2. der Akupunkturpunkt Ren Zhong über der Oberlippe
(三打)  ear-door

3. the hollow between the cheek and earlobe

3. die Vertiefung zwischen Wange und Ohrläppchen
(四打)  back bone

4. the spine

4. die Wirbelsäule
(五打)  lungs

5. the lungs under the upper ribs

5. die Lunge unter den oberen Rippen
(6th target) 撩陰高骨

6. the pelvic bone

6. der Beckenknochen
(7th target) 鶴膝虎頭

7. the soft tissue directly under the kneecap

7. das weiche Gewebe direkt unter der Kniescheibe
(8th target) 破骨千斤

8. the shinbones

8. die Schienbeine
Eight targets


are all fatal points, if you are not fighting for your life, you had better not use them. If your opponent does not care about human life, you are just inviting trouble.

All these targets apply to life-threatening situations [and are therefore the primary targets]. If you are not fighting for your life, I hope you will not use them. Only use them if your attacker clearly does not value human life.

Alle diese Ziele gelten für lebensbedrohliche Situationen [und sind somit die primären Ziele]. Wenn Sie nicht um Ihr Leben kämpfen, hoffe ich, dass Sie sie nicht einsetzen werden. Setzen Sie sie nur ein, wenn Ihr Angreifer das menschliche Leben eindeutig nicht für wertvoll hält.

1. the temples

1. die Schläfen

2. the windpipe

2. die Luftröhre

3. the solar plexus

3. der Solarplexus

4. the false ribs

4. die falschen Rippen

5. the groin

5. die Leiste

6. the kidneys

6. die Nieren
(七不打) 尾閭風府

7. the coccyx

7. das Steißbein
(八不打) 两耳扇風

8. the ears
8. die Ohren

Latest revision as of 16:36, 24 December 2024

From Wong Honfan's Secrets of the Mantis Box Art 螳螂拳術闡秘, written in 1946:

Eight Legal Targets


Every part is a vital part, though not fatal, is bound to be seriously injured, if you meet a strong opponent, these targets are not enough to win, but you must not use them lightly, so as not to violate the principle of “goodwill”, only our practice.

These are all secondary targets. Although they are not life-threatening, they can still cause injury. If you encounter an attacker who is very skilled, they are enough to defeat him. But you must not use them recklessly, or you will hurt your own life-sustaining virtue. I hope that my fellow practitioners will be mindful.



1. the space between the eyebrows and the eyes themselves

(二打) Lippen auf Zung muscle

2. the acupuncture point Ren Zhong above the upper lip

(三打) ear-door

3. the hollow between the cheek and earlobe

(四打) back bone

4. the spine

(五打) lungs

5. the lungs under the upper ribs

(6th target) 撩陰高骨

6. the pelvic bone

(7th target) 鶴膝虎頭

7. the soft tissue directly under the kneecap

(8th target) 破骨千斤

8. the shinbones

Eight targets


are all fatal points, if you are not fighting for your life, you had better not use them. If your opponent does not care about human life, you are just inviting trouble.

All these targets apply to life-threatening situations [and are therefore the primary targets]. If you are not fighting for your life, I hope you will not use them. Only use them if your attacker clearly does not value human life.


1. the temples


2. the windpipe


3. the solar plexus


4. the false ribs


5. the groin


6. the kidneys

(七不打) 尾閭風府

7. the coccyx

(八不打) 两耳扇風

8. the ears