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<div class="image-container topimage">
<div style="height:500;">
{| class="wikitable"
! colspan="2"|Position definition
! Stance relation
| [[hasStanceRelation::{{{StanceRelation|}}}]]
! Stance position
| [[hasStancePosition::{{{StancePosition|}}}]]
! Arms relation
| [[hasArmsRelation::{{{ArmsRelation|}}}]]
! Arms position
| [[hasArmsPosition::{{{ArmsPosition|}}}]]
! Sealing opponent
| [[IsSeal::{{{IsSeal|}}}]]
|} {{#set:
HasExampleImageSeriesPicturePage={{{ExampleImageSeriesPicturePage|}}} }}
{{#vardefine:ImageFile|{{#show: {{{ExampleImageSeriesPicturePage|}}} | ?HasImageFile | link=none}} }} {{#vardefine:ImageMapContent|{{#show: {{{ExampleImageSeriesPicturePage|}}} |?hasImageMapContent#-}} }}
{| class="wikitable"
! colspan="2" | Position example
| colspan="2" | {{#if: {{#var:ImageFile}} | <div class="imageMapHighlighter">
</div> | No image available}}

= Position occurences in routines =
=={{{id|}}}: {{PositionNameById|{{{id|}}}}}==
== '''before''' technique ==
<div class="image-container topimage">http://kungfu-wiki.com/fileserver/images/Positions/{{{id|}}}.jpg</div>
Blue figure is in position {{{id|}}} ({{PositionNameById|{{{id|}}}}})
<ul class="nav nav-tabs mb-2" id="myTabs" role="tablist">
<li><btn id="btn3Label" data-toggle="tab" class="nav-link" role="tab" aria-controls="tab3" aria-selected="false">#tab3|Setup techniques</btn></li>
  <li class="nav-item"><btn id="tab1Label" data-toggle="tab" class="nav-link active" role="tab" aria-controls="tab1" aria-selected="true">#tab1|Appliable techniques</btn></li>
  <li><btn id="btn2Label" data-toggle="tab" class="nav-link" role="tab" aria-controls="tab2" aria-selected="false">#tab2|Follow-up techniques</btn></li>

<div class="tab-content">
  <div id="tab3" class="tab-pane fade" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tab3Label">
=== Techniques that lead to this position after opponent reaction===
[[has subobject::+]]
|?P12=Hand Method
|?P10=Foot Method
|?P14=ChinNa Method
|?P15=Throw Method
|?P6=Good to know
|named args=true
  <div id="tab1" class="tab-pane fade show active" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tab1Label">
=== Techniques applied in this position ===
{{#if: {{{StanceRelation|}}} | [[{{#var:posTime}}StanceRelation::{{{StanceRelation|}}}]] | }}
[[has subobject::+]]
{{#if: {{{StancePosition|}}} | [[{{#var:posTime}}StancePosition::{{{StancePosition|}}}]] | }}
{{#if: {{{ArmsRelation|}}} | [[{{#var:posTime}}ArmsRelation::{{{ArmsRelation|}}}]] | }}
{{#if: {{{ArmsPosition|}}} | [[{{#var:posTime}}ArmsPosition::{{{ArmsPosition|}}}]] | }}
{{#if: {{{IsSeal|}}} | [[{{#var:posTime}}IsSeal::{{{IsSeal|}}}]] | }}
|?P12=Hand Method
|?P10=Foot Method
|?P14=ChinNa Method
|?P15=Throw Method
|?P6=Good to know
|named args=true
  <div id="tab2" class="tab-pane fade" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tab2Label">
== Expressions of this technique ==
=== Follow-up techniques from this position ===
[[has subobject::+]]
|?P12=Hand Method
|?P10=Foot Method
|?P14=ChinNa Method
|?P15=Throw Method
|?P6=Good to know
|named args=true



Latest revision as of 17:14, 23 December 2024

This is the "Position" template. It should be called in the following format:


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