Chain Wrestling
The idea of these essays is as follows: Read the main article "The concept in a nutshell" and get an idea of the concept. While reading a lot of questions will arise. After that get a deeper understanding by reading the more detailled articles like this. If you have still questions you can write us under:
Chain wrestling:
[All knowledge was gained by years ofform analysis]
To understand kung fu it is very important to understand that kung fu as a summary term of chinese martial arts which is basicly punch and lock supported wrestling art.
Wrestling is the main kung fu idea. If you cannot throw the opponent cause he stiffens his body punch him, destroy his arms with joint locks or different transition techniques. The idea of transition techniques are to distract the opponent from beiing wrestled. If the opponent is for example punched or locked he will lose the focus on wrestling defence and it is more easy to throw him afterwards. Thats the reason why punches and joint locks are also given in kung fu forms.
Every technique besides throws is just there to position the opponent in a way that afterwards its more easy to throw him again.
Here you can see a list of elements usually occure in many kung fu forms and styles.
- Throwing (pushing the opponent over the front leg)
- Clinging (chain throws, follow the opponent directly without a gap and throw again immediately)
- Striking (If no throw is possible or nothing else comes to mind, strike to the head and body. Then throw again immediately)
Throwing around (If the opponent resists, he is thrown to the other side by turning his body, pulling and levering)
- Change throw direction (If the opponent resists, another throw is executed in the same position but with a different direction)
- Strengthen throw (If the opponent resists, a stronger throw is executed in the same position)
- Cross diagonally (cross the opponent's front leg diagonally to throw, e.g. left behind left)
- Foot sweep (hooking the opponent's standing leg with your own leg and pulling it away)
- Leg lift (hook and lift the opponent's leg with your own leg)
- Leg block (If the opponent is standing frontally or walking forward, block his leg from the outside to throw him)
- Pulling/tearing (grab the opponent and pull him off balance or bring him down)
- Kicking (Most kicking techniques are throws, like sweeps etc. but sometimes it are transition techniques like knee kicks or kicks to specific body parts to position the opponent great for the next throw.)
- ChinNa (use leverage, pain points, choking techniques to position, throw or take down the opponent)
- Grappling (control opponent at wrestling distance to position him for throws and other techniques)
- Ground techniques (controlling opponent on the ground after throwing or continuing to fight. Release from ground fighting)
Possible movement reactions of the opponent in kung fu forms:
1.Opponent takes a full step back
2.Opponent resists (stiffens)
3.Opponent takes half a step back and then stands frontally
4.Opponent tries to give pressure back to your direction (end of roads in forms)
5.Opponent "goes" around you and stands on the other side.
More obviously the opponent is blocking every of your attacks. But more of that topic in the essay "hand methodology"
Possible movement reactions of the opponent which are NOT in kung fu forms:
6.Opponent goes into distance (contact break)
7.Opponent counters levers and throws
8.Opponent fights actively
[More about that in the warrior section]